Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Prayer Request

I recently found out that Reuben and I are expecting another child (biologically). We are very excited and a little overwhelmed at the timing of things. However, we know that it is in the Lord's hands and are resting in that. Having said that. I contacted out adoption agency to ask about vaccinations and timing with the pregnancy and travel. They replied back stating that:

It is CWA policy to have parents who become pregnant during the process to go on "hold" status until the new child is 6 months old, then resume back on a decision by our Case Review Committee. In your case this issue will have to go for case review, because of the number of children you have, plus the additional referred children, birth order considerations, etc. I will bring your case to the committee, but that will not be until we return after January 4.

What is your expected delivery date? That will of course have an effect on the case timing as well.

If you do go on hold, it will be necessary to release the Kedir siblings to another adoptive family. I will be in touch with you after the holidays, so we can discuss the next steps to take. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news right before Christmas, but we do carefully examine all the effects an adoption can have, and try to act in the best interests of the Ethiopian children but also of their adoptive parents here... we don't want to put an undue burden on any family, and try to make the best decisions we can in each case.

If you have any other information that might be relevant to the decision, please let me know, and of course I'd like you to stay in contact even if your case does go on hold, so that I will know how you are doing.

Along with this, my husband broke a bone in his foot and sprained his ankle. He will be in a boot for 5 more weeks and then they will take x-rays to see if it has healed. Also, my oldest son, Brayden has a heart murmur that has been there since infancy and has remained. It seems innocent, but the doctor wants to make sure is not serious. So, we go this next week to a cardiologist for an echo.

We are asking for prayer for peace and that the decision that is made will benefit all those involved.
"I cast all my cares upon Him, for He cares for us"

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